Espirulina, knowed as a bluegreen cyanobacteria, has been on the earth 3. Sin embargo, conseguir una dieta equilibrada al 100% no es tan facil. Ademas posee vitamina k, potasio y acido pantotenico b5, asi como tiamina b1, rivoflavina b2, niacina b3, cobre, hierro y manganeso, entre otras. Once classified as the bluegreen algae, it does not. Production and utilization of the bluegreen alga spirulina in india. Pdf progress has been made in the past decade in developing appropriate technology for microalgal mass cultivation. The results obtained demonstrated that spirulina represents an unobjectionable source of unconventional protein of good quality. Hippocrates introduction spirulina cyanobacteria has been used as food for centuries by different populations and only rediscovered in recent years. Pdf mass production of the bluegreen alga spirulina. Identification of a bluegreen alga arthrospira maxima. The cyanobacterial genera spirulina and arthrospira, members of the oscillatoriaceae, are both characterized by helical trichomes but their taxonomy is. Pdf nutritional and toxicological aspects of spirulina arthrospira. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.
Alga espirulina propiedades y beneficios medicinales. Nutritional and toxicological aspects of spirulina arthrospira. A big company in the foodindustry like unilever is investigating if the blue consumable pigment can be isolated from the algae in an easy and cheap way. Las algas pardas viven a mas profundidad y las algas rojas pueden llegar hasta 100 metros en aguas tropicales. The nutritional aspects of spirulina jacques falquet let your food be your medicine. Algas las algas rojas son en su mayoria pluricelulares, aunque existen algunas especies unicelulares. En nombre espirulina, viene del latin espiral o helix.
In addition, this alga contains a blue pigment which may be suitable to be used in the food industry. Apresenta, ainda, acoes antioxidantes e hipocolesterolemica18. The protein content of spirulina varies between 50% and 70% of its dry weight. Spirulina platensis is a bluegreen alga used as a dietary supplement because of its hypocholesterolemic properties. Em algas multicelulares filamentosas, algumas celulas transformamse em gametas masculinos e outras em gametas femininos. Algal mass culture, bluegreen algae, spirulina, algal ponds, productivity. Las algas verdes suelen establecer menos olores y sabores al agua.
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